The lotus flower is sacred to many cultures and the pink lotus is the national flower of India.

Symbolic of purity, beauty, majesty, grace, fertility, wealth, richness, knowledge, serenity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth, many a child in India is called Kamala or Kamal etc, from its name Kamalam.

As it displays beauty while growing in dirtiest waters, it is thought to represent the human race.

Every portion of the lotus flower, ie. its stems, roots, seeds, petals, stamens etc, is used by Asians in food, drink, medicine and water treatment.

Buddhists weave a special robe for Buddha from the unique fabric made from the lotus plant fibres produced only in Myanmar and Cambodia.

*Friday Fictioneers is a talented group of enthusiasts penning down a story, a poem, prose, etc., expressing their heart about a photo prompt © David Stewart